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About Us

Our Story

Built in 1879 as the Langsett Road School, the Burton Street Foundation has since evolved into a vibrant hub of community activity and a cornerstone of support for Sheffield’s disabled community. Once an abandoned school, it now stands as a symbol of inclusivity and opportunity, thanks to the unwavering commitment of residents and city leaders.

In 1976, the Langsett Road School closed its doors following a variety of uses. The buildings, left to decay and facing demolition by 1995, were saved by the locals under the leadership of Jim Taylor. A deal with the council breathed new life into the structures, marking the birth of the Burton Street Foundation. The Foundation’s hard work restored the site and ultimately took ownership, transforming it into a dynamic community centre.

Nearing Demolition to Bustling With Life

The Burton Street Foundation is a living testament to the strength of community spirit and the joy of diversity. Our Victorian buildings, once bordering extinction, now throb with life as a bustling hub of communal activities and support services. We welcome over 2,500 visitors each week, host a kaleidoscope of events, provide jobs to around 140 individuals, and serve as a home base to 14 local businesses plus numerous charities and community groups. Spread across two sites, our four buildings, in Hillsborough, Sheffield, have become a haven for creativity, learning, and empowerment. Our dedication to inclusivity and support for the disabled community shines through our disability services, aiding around 250 clients every week.

Our Commitment

As a not-for-profit Community Benefit Society since 1998, and an exempt charity, the Burton Street Foundation preserves the authentic spirit that sparked its creation. We are devoted to nurturing an environment ripe with growth, support, and opportunity.

Giving Back

At the Burton Street Foundation, giving manifests in various forms, including enhancing donations through tax breaks for charitable actions:
  • Gift Aid: We work with HM Revenue & Customs to reclaim Gift Aid on your donations, ensuring maximum impact.
  • Company Donations: Though not eligible for Gift Aid, company donations are treated as allowable expenses, presenting corporations with a chance to make a difference while also reaping a saving on corporation tax.

Nowadays Burton Street means lots of things to lots of different people....

As a Community Benefit Society, we are registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). While we hold exempt charity status under HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs) with the number XR23292, we are exempt from the requirement to register with the Charities Commission.

Guided by the principles of community, compassion, and empowerment, Burton Street Foundation invites you to be part of our journey towards a more inclusive and supportive society where everyone has the opportunity to flourish.