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Trip Report: Barnsley Museums and Market

Trip Report: Barnsley Museums and Market

On Tuesday 28th November 2017, 15 clients and 7 staff took a trip to Barnsley. The Trip was made up from the Sky’s the Limit, Get Out There and the Allotment groups. A week later the crew got back together to reflect on their day. Here’s what they said…

On a crisp but very sunny day, we got the Supertram to the station, then all climbed aboard the train. After a short train trip (for one person their first ever train ride) we arrived in Barnsley.

Our first stop was the Cooper Gallery, a small museum full of some wonderful paintings and sculptures, including a lovely oil painting of our very own Farhan! It actually turned out to be much bigger than it looked from the outside…

We then moved on to Barnsley Town Hall and after having our pictures taken outside we escaped to the relative warmth of Experience Barnsley, a museum devoted to the history of the town and its people. The highlight for many was a very good film about people from different eras of Barnsley. Another highlight was of course lunch!

After lunch we split up into different groups and headed off to the indoor and outdoor markets in Barnsley. Some of us needed less encouragement than others to get their money out, and items such as socks, hats, scarves, gloves and Barnsley calendars were happily snapped up. Even those of us that didn’t buy anything enjoyed walking round Barnsley, a town many of us hadn’t visited before.

Generally access at the museums and the markets was excellent for wheelchairs. We had good travel assistance on the trains, and it was really only a very busy Supertram on the way back to Burton Street that proved difficult. We arrived back at 4pm, having had a great day out and keen to enjoy more trips in the future.

What we thought of the trip:

“Just having the day out.”

“To start my Xmas shopping.”

“Looking round the museums and the art gallery.”

“It was good. The shops were good. Nice xmas cards. I liked the train. The museum was ok.”

“Liked the shops and the people.”

“Looking round the shops and the markets was my best thing. I really enjoyed it.”

“I enjoyed buying xmas presents in the markets.”

“It was wicked. It was nice going to the markets and looking around. I enjoyed getting myself a Cappuccino from the café.”

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