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Tyger Tyger – A Multimedia Collaboration

Tyger Tyger – A Multimedia Collaboration

Over the past week or so a group of our clients have been working on a pretty cool multimedia project, and we thought you’d like to see it.

The animation was originally inspired by a Burton Street client, Jamie. Who often recites snippets of dialogue from books, TV and film. When he recited The Tyger by William Blake it inspired the Photo Chop session to start a group project. 

We brought a few sessions together to work together on the project. We asked the Impress printing session to work on the second verse and to screen print the Tygers for the forest scene.  Whilst Photo Chop searched for images and created the various scenes for the first verse. We booked out the media room and set up the lights so that we could shoot the first scene.

Filming for the first verse took two weeks, and we took over 1000 images which we will combine to create a stop-frame animation.  We have asked the Radio Burton Street session to help Jamie record a high quality sound track to accompany the animation.

The process has allowed us to explore this poem, reflecting our thoughts on the meaning, and thinking about how the poem makes us feel. When the project is finished we will have a really cool piece of collaborative multimedia art. It will be the result of lots of people contributing their special skills, while exploring and expressing their thoughts and feelings.

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