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Logo for session showing microphone.

Curtain Call

“Curtain Call” is a dynamic and interactive session designed to help clients build confidence, self-expression, and social skills through music and karaoke. This engaging experience combines the fun of karaoke with purposeful exercises to encourage self-expression, emotional release, and personal growth.

Feel The Rhythm

Join us for an energizing session where we explore the vibrant beats of West African drum rhythms and engage in fun drumming games. We delight in listening to various music styles, identifying the instruments used, and collaboratively working on a performance piece as a band. This inclusive session is designed to foster musical creativity and …

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campfire stories logo

Campfire Stories

Campfire Stories provides a welcoming setting carefully crafted to evoke the warmth and camaraderie of a campfire, singing along to familiar tunes and listening to captivating stories with sensory inputs such as foot spas and hand massages.

wheel of even more tunes logo

Wheel Of More Tunes

Wheel Of More Tunes is a vibrant celebration offering a unique blend of live music and collective tune-sharing within an energetic and social singing & listening circle.

Groove And Move Logo

Groove and Move

The music has the groove and we all have a move. Use instruments to engage in musical interaction games, sing along to classics and jam out to your heart’s content in this lively and bustling music session.

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Hear My Song

Do you have dreams of playing live music, producing your own album, laying down tracks using music software or just having a good old singsong with friends? This session is run by musicians and technicians to make any of your musical dreams come true.

wheel of even more tunes logo

Wheel Of Even More Tunes

Wheel Of More Tunes is a vibrant celebration offering a unique blend of live music and collective tune-sharing within an energetic and social singing & listening circle.